About Us

We are LGBT Youth Scotland – Scotland’s national charity for LGBTQ+ young people aged 13-25.


For over 20 years we have been creating safe spaces where LGBTQ+ young people can flourish; reaching their full potential in life, work and education.


LGBTQ+ young people face unique and additional barriers to realising their potential, and that is why LGBT Youth Scotland exists.

What does LGBTQ+ mean?

LGBTQ+ stands for lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, queer & questioning, and the positive ‘+’ aims to represent and respect everyone on the gender and sexuality spectrum, including intersex.

What we do:

We empower young people to achieve their own goals by taking part in our award-winning youth work.

We ensure the places young people live, learn and work are inclusive, through our equality accreditation programme, the LGBT Charter.

We amplify the voices of young people. Our youth participation and policy work positions young people as experts in their own lives so they can reach decision makers and create positive change.

Our mission & vision

We support LGBTQ+ young people in all aspects of their lives through the provision of amazing youth work, and we support them to use their voice to create change in equality and human rights. Our vision is a Scotland where LGBTQ+ young people can flourish and thrive.

Our values


We champion young people’s rights. We welcome everyone who actively works to make things better with and for young people, building a more diverse and accessible community where everyone feels valued.


We listen to, learn from and empower one another which helps us actively influence positive change. We do this by being kind, honest and compassionate in our decision making.


We are led by the needs and views of LGBTQ+ young people to take an imaginative and creative approach in everything we do.


We respect young people, our partners, ourselves as individuals and each other. We value and recognise the contributions, qualities and achievements we all make.