Orkney Pride Prom

Pride Tribe is a group of LGBTQ+ young people in Kirkwall, Orkney

On Wednesday 28 June 2023, around 30 awesome people got together for the now annual Pride Prom. Prom is not always an inclusive event or a space for LGBT+ young people to go to and express themselves or be themselves freely at and Pride Tribe wanted to change that!


The event started with a grand entrance on the rainbow runway into the youth café where welcome mocktails were available and lots of mingling and photo taking happened. Everyone then gathered in the hall for a quick explanation of the march route and an impromptu award ceremony took place for our Prom Queen! 


The group set off on a small Pride march around the main streets of Kirkwall with a pit stop by the Balfour Hospital to mark the occasion with our friends at NHS Orkney. After all that marching and activism, it was time to return to the café for a Chinese takeaway buffet and some more mingling before the disco started! 


There was lots of dancing, singing and even a rainbow piñata to entertain everyone and a great night was had by all. At closing time there were swag bags with lots of rainbow/pride goodies and self care products for everyone to take away with them and lots of happy memories too. 

Some of our Pride Tribe members had the following things to say about the event:


  • “I only started coming to Pride Tribe sessions after last year’s Pride Prom and now I come every week. I really enjoy the sessions and LOVE Pride Prom!” – Elle, 17.


  • “I enjoyed meeting some new people as there were a few people that came to Prom that hadn’t been to our sessions before.” – Jamie, 16.


  • “Pride Prom had a really fun atmosphere. I was a bit anxious before it but it wasn’t scary, it was just good fun!” – Evie, 16.


  • “I loved Pride Prom as it was the perfect excuse to dress up and be myself!” – Iain, 17.


  • “I really loved having the opportunity to wear a dress and confidently express myself.”- Marina, 16.


  • “My favourite part of Pride Prom was our big gay march!! It was really nice to have an opportunity to do this and be out and about together in our local community as there hasn’t been a Pride event in Orkney for a while.” – Tobi, 16.


  • “I absolutely loved Pride Prom! I want it to happen every year!” – Noah, 21.


  • “My favourite part of Pride Prom was the start when we got to make our entrance into the event on the rainbow runway and through the rainbow curtain into the hall and seeing all the decorations.” – Iona, 16.

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