What can I do?

What can I do to stop the bullying?

Below are some suggestions for action you can take to report and stop bullying happening: 


  • Tell someone like a trusted adult.  
  • If the bullying is happening online, you can block the bully and report it.  
  • Formally report the incident. This could be to a teacher/educator you trust and all you need to do is say you want to formally log the incident. If you’re formally reporting an incident to someone in school this will then be recorded in SEEMiS.  
  • Ask to have a meeting with the headteacher. Sometimes it helps to have someone you trust at this meeting – like a parent, carer or friend.  
  • Make a record of what happened with dates/times – a teacher, youth worker or another trusted adult can help you do this.  
  • If the bullying is happening online, take screenshots so that you can show this when reporting.  
  • Think about what you want to say and what you want to happen. It’s ok if that doesn’t feel clear right now. This is something you can talk through with us either on our Live Chat or with a youth worker in a one to one.  

Advice if you are nervous about reporting:

Identify someone who can tell you more about anti-bullying policies confidentially. This could be a teacher or pupil support worker. A friend could go with you to report something or even ask to see the policy on your behalf.  


It can sometimes feel like you have to deal with everything all alone but remember there are people who can help. Taking action is not just your responsibility. The adults in your life also have a responsibility to help you and keep you safe.  

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