UNCRC – Know Your Rights

What is the UNCRC?​

The United Nation Convention of the Rights of the Child is a document which outlines all the rights that you have as a child or young person.


A child is anyone under 18, and the convention has 54 different articles.


Lots of different countries have signed up to the UNCRC, including Scotland. That means Scotland has committed to making sure you will be able to access all the rights outlined in the UNCRC


What are Rights?

Every child should be recognised, respected and protected and is entitled to their rights

Why is it important?

A right it something that cannot be taken away from you. It is meant to protect you and help you to live the best life that you can.


For example:


  • The right to non-discrimination (Article 2)
  • The right to be heard and listened to (Article 12)
  • The right to be protected from violence, abuse and neglect (Article 19)
  • The right to an education (Artcile 28)


The United Nation Convention on the Rights of the Child is an agreement between lots of different countries about what your rights are as a child under the age of 18. If you are over 18, your rights are protected by the Human Rights Act. 

UNCRC Poster Project

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Throughout April and May, three incredible young people who attend our Edinburgh based13-16 youth group, SmashUp, were involved in the desiging and illustrating of UNCRC posters, focussing on the below articles.

The group looked at all the articles through a queer lens and discussed which 4 felt most important to LGBTQ+ young people.

Article 2

The right to non-discrimination

Article 12

The right to be heard and listened to

Article 19

The right to protection from violence, abuse and neglect

Article 28

The right to an education

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