our strategy

Our vision is that Scotland is the best place for LGBTQ+ young people to flourish and thrive.

In 2023 we launched an exciting new strategy to take LGBT Youth Scotland into the future. Our 2023-2027 strategy includes an ambitious vision so that young people, our partners and funders know what we are aiming to achieve. 

Our strategic goals

  1. Changing lives through youth work
  2. Influencing change through young people’s voices
  3. Improving young people’s lives through partnership
  4. Improving young people’s lives through creating inclusive environments

We are excited about the future of this charity with the goal of ensuring we are there for any young person that needs us, in a way that works for them, while working with young people to progress LGBTQ+ rights and opportunities both locally and nationally across Scotland.”

— Dr Mhairi Crawford, Chief Executive and Lewis Shand Smith, Convener of the Board

LGBT youth scotland strategy 2023 - 2027

We are delighted to bring you LGBT Youth Scotland’s new 5 year strategy. It’s five years since we launched our previous strategy. Much has changed, the global pandemic, international events, significant changes in the cost of living and a change in the rhetoric around inclusion of the LGBTQ+ community have each had their impact.