our youth groups

  • We run youth groups all around the country. 
  • Groups are open to LGBTQ+ young people, their friends and allies  aged 13 to 25.
  • The group you attend will depend on how old you are, and where you live.
  • Groups are a chance to meet other LGBTQ+ young people in a safe environment, where you won’t be judged.
  • You will make new friends, take part in activities and learn new things.
  • Each group decides on their own programme with support from youth workers.
  • Our groups are free to attend, and we won’t tell anyone else that you’re coming along.
  • You can find out which group is closest to you on our group map.
  • If we don’t have a group in your area, we can let you know about other support from local councils or charities.

How can I sign up for a youth group?

Use the search bar below to find a group in your local area.

Find a local support
group for you

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You can also sign up for a youth group by:

Chatting to a youth
worker on Live Chat

What happens when you sign up?

  • A youth worker will get in touch with you to arrange a time to chat.
  • We will let you know all about what the group is like and answer any questions you have.
  • We will also need to take some information from you like your name, age, and an emergency contact. 
  • This is so that we can keep you safe while you come to our youth groups. We only get in touch with your emergency contact in an emergency, like if you had to be taken to hospital

Hear more about the sign up process and the groups from Quentin and Maria

Youth Groups FAQs

Yes, attending a youth group is free.  You have to pay for your own travel and there may sometimes be activities or trips that young people are asked to contribute towards.

No, it may be that some weeks you’re super busy or you just need a break. That’s okay!

You are welcome to invite a friend to come along to one of our youth groupsIt is best for them to make contact with the youth worker for the youth group first, so that they can have a chat and complete sign up forms.

It’s really important to us that disabled and neurodivergent young people feel comfortable in our spaces. We will do everything we can to make the youth group as accessible for you as possible. 


Use our youth group map to find out specific information about the accessibility of our venues. Your youth worker will be happy to chat to you about any of your needs at your sign up chat.

Unfortunately, we cannot tell you who else goes to the group as that is confidential. We understand that you might have some anxiety about seeing people you know, especially if you aren’t out to the people in your life. If you are feeling worried, you can chat to the youth worker before attending a session.

That’s okay! It can take time to work out your identity and/or sexual orientation. Youth groups are a safe space where you can explore and test out who you are and there is no judgement. The most important thing is that you get the chance to explore, and we support that.

You can. It may be that you get different things from different youth groups and it is totally okay to attend more than one youth group.

No, not if you don’t want them to. When you sign up we will ask for details of an emergency contact, but this is only used in the case of an emergency, like if you had to be taken to hospital. 


We will also always ask if you are out to this person. If you are under 16, we will need parental consent for some things like going on trips, but you can choose not to participate in these.

We can’t refer you to a clinic, but your GP can do this for you. What we can do is talk with you about your transition, help you explore options and provide you with the information you need to help you take the next steps. We are also here to explore what your challenges might be and will work with you to identify what support you might need

Our service is here for people aged 13 to 25, however we understand that you might feel anxious about leaving the service as you get closer to 25. 


We will work with you throughout this process and identify what future support and community might look like and help you to prepare for the next stage of your life.