Supporting young LGBTQ+ people in inclusive workplaces

Sign your workplace up today

What is the LGBT Charter for Workplace?

The LGBT Charter for Workplaces is an equalities accreditation programme that enables your company to proactively include LGBTQ+ people in every aspect of your work, protecting your staff and providing high quality service to your customers or service users.


Being accredited with our LGBT Charter enables you to send a positive message, with confidence, that your workplace is a champion of inclusion where LGBTQ+ employees, customers, or service users will be safe, supported and included.

How does it work?

The programme has been developed to support your workplace to undertake training and review policies, practice and resources to make sure that you’re not only meeting legislative needs, but are also as inclusive as you can be.


By building a portfolio of evidence to demonstrate work undertaken in line with our LGBT Charter standards, the programme provides an opportunity to critically evaluate the service user experience; opening the doors to honest and constructive conversations about how to refine existing processes and develop new ways of working.


You will be guided through the programme with the help of our expert Charter Managers, step- by- step LGBT Charter workbook and your dedicated Charter Manager who will be there to advise you throughout the process.

Your accreditation

The Charter journey of compiling a portfolio is a process that lasts up to 12 months. Upon successful completion of the programme, the Charter accreditation is then valid for 3 years. 


This three-year cycle creates opportunities for organisations to renew and refresh their training, policies and practice at more regular intervals, to reflect evolving policy and staff turnover across this time period

To find out more about the LGBT Charter for Workplaces, you can download our brochure.

LGBT Awareness training

If you would like a shorter, one-off input then our LGBT Awareness Training may be a better fit. 


Click here to find out more.

Already signed up?

If you’re already part of our LGBT Charter programme use the link below to login to our Moodle hub.

Other programmes

We deliver two other LGBT Charter programmes that may be more relevant to you.


Schools, colleges and universities can sign up to participate in our LGBT Charter for Education.


Charities and public sector organisations can sign up to participate in our LGBT Charter for Organisations.

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