Volunteer David

Meet David, a social policy graduate and volunteer, who has worked with us since 2016.

I became a volunteer with LGBT Youth Scotland not long after moving to Glasgow for university.


I was at a point of actively looking for LGBTQ+ spaces and organisations to become involved with and felt that I needed to work alongside other LGBTQ+ people. LGBTYS seemed the perfect place to get involved and allowed me to contribute to achieving the aim of making Scotland the best place to grow up LGBTQ+.


I completed my volunteer training and found it was a positive and informative experience. My training included an induction day which was really useful in informing me of the work that I was not directly involved in, such as youth work, and the role that every volunteer role plays in achieving the positive social change that LGBT Youth Scotland works towards. After training, I mostly worked with the fundraising team, assisting in whatever task was on the day’s agenda and was soon able to use my skill set to contribute to that work.


Following a move to Edinburgh, David has changed roles and is now working with our Youthwork Team as a Youthwork Volunteer.


Meeting and working alongside other like minded volunteers that share the same passion for LGBTQ+ social change is incredibly fulfilling and exciting. LGBT Youth Scotland really encourages volunteers working together and it’s a great opportunity to make new friends and meet interesting people in the community.


When I became a volunteer, I never thought that I would be so directly involved in the workings of the organisation. I have worked on many projects over the last seven years, but my most memorable highlight was contributing to the organisation’s Gender Recognition Act consultation response. I recently completed my master’s in social policy, so the real life experience of contributing to potentially life-changing legislation was incredibly fulfilling and underscores the important policy and campaign work that LGBT Youth Scotland undertake.


When not studying or working I am usually planted in front of the TV – I am, unashamedly, a devoted reality TV-head and spend my spare time catching up with the real housewives of everywhere.


If you are thinking about volunteering, go for it! You will be surprised how much you personally gain from volunteering, on top of the valuable impact it can have on others.


David worked closely with our Fundraising & Communications Manager Doro, and she had this to say: “It’s been amazing working with David over the years. His long-term commitment to supporting the charity by giving the fundraising team a helping hand with admin tasks, event support and Purple Friday logistics has been absolutely fantastic. He has such a lovely and friendly way about him, it’s been great to have him be part of the team each week. Love his banter, stories and his latest shopping recommendations!”


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