Christmas Appeal 2023

We could share lots of facts and figures about the impact of our work over the past year, but instead, we thought we’d spread a little seasonal joy by sharing Charlie’s story.

Last Christmas was a write-off. I felt so cut off from the world, unable to concentrate at school or connect with my family. I was stuck in my own head – worried sick that if I told anyone I thought I might be trans I’d lose them forever. School was really tough and I got really low, unable to eat, sleep or talk to anyone; I didn’t know how to keep going. But then I saw a poster pinned on one of the notice boards. “Need to talk? Chat to a youth worker about all things LGBT”. Too scared to stop to look at it, I took a mental note of the website and I’m so glad that I did.

I jumped on the anonymous live chat with one of their youth workers that same day. I felt really safe and it was such a relief (I cried!) to finally be able to say what was on my mind.

Zara, the youth worker, did an amazing job at just listening. She also shared their ‘Trans, Non-binary and Questioning Coming Out Guide’ with me and I started to find answers to so many of the questions I had. Zara also invited me to one of their in-person youth group and I finally built up the courage to go along. I can honestly say, it’s been the best thing that’s happened to me.

It feels amazing not to be alone anymore – I still haven’t come out fully at school, but because of the support from my friends and youth workers, I found the courage to tell my parents, who have been amazing, what a huge weight off my shoulders!

I feel ready to do more ‘normal’ stuff for my age, I’m even thinking about applying to college… one day! And that is all because LGBT Youth Scotland supported and encouraged me. It’s made me really passionate about making sure other people get the support they need.”

This Christmas, you doubled the joy!

For the first time ever, we took part in the Big Give Christmas Appeal – it’s the UK’s biggest match-funded campaign. For seven days starting on 28th November, every £1 donated was matched by our generous appeal sponsors, making it worth £2.

Thanks to the incredible donations from new and existing supporters, we exceeded our target and raised £5,576 including Gift Aid.

While the Big Give is over, there is still time to donate to help us support many more young people like Charlie all year round.

picture of a person with a shaved head and a quote that says "it feels amazing not to be alone anymore"


* This is a Composite Story – which means that Charlie is not one individual person, but was created from the lived experience of several young people who tell us they can see their own experience in Charlie’s story.