Corporate Partnerships

Your organisation can make a difference for LGBTQ+ young people

Why we love partnerships

We want to make Scotland a place where all LGBTQ+ young people can thrive and flourish. We know we can’t do this alone – true inclusion comes from working together.

These partnerships make us stronger and more sustainable, allowing us to be here for the long term and provide a reliable source of support for LGBTQ+ young people.

Let’s start a conversation

There are lots of small ways you and your team can make a big difference. By partnering with LGBT Youth Scotland, you are investing in Scotland’s next generation, including your future colleagues and customers.

Get in touch with Doro Weber, Partnerships & Communications Manager at to find out more.

How your business can get involved

Make LGBT Youth Scotland your Charity of the Year – partnering with LGBT Youth Scotland for a dedicated time frame gives you a unique opportunity to demonstrate your commitment to diversity and inclusion to your staff and your customers. We provide bespoke support, access to training, volunteering opportunities, fundraising materials and sponsorship opportunities to recognise your support.

Employee Fundraising – we can give you support and a range of creative ways to motivate and reward your staff for fundraising for us throughout the year. From Bake sales to Kiltwalks and everything in between.

Gifts in kind – gifts in kind are incredibly valuable. From items we can use as prizes at fundraising events to materials for our youth groups – they all keep our running costs down and mean we can focus our funds on our life-changing services.

Payroll Giving – introducing a Payroll Giving scheme for your organisation is a simple and tax effective way for employees to support LGBT Youth Scotland. Setting up and running a scheme is quick and easy. You can read more about setting up payroll giving on the HMRC website.

Pro-bono support – from supporting our strategy development to being part of a focus group to help us road-test our communications, your skills are an invaluable way for us to make the best use of our shared resources.

However you choose to get involved, we’d be delighted to work with you and together we can make Scotland the very best place for LGBTQ+ young people to thrive and flourish.

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