our fundraising guarantee

Good Fundraising Thumbnail

We couldn’t do what we do without the support of people like you.

Your support means the world to us and we want to make sure you have a positive experience of supporting LGBT Youth Scotland.


That’s why we are part of the Fundraising Guarantee and aligned to, the Fundraising Code of Practice.

We promise to operate in line with the values of this code; to be legal, open, honest and respectful in all our fundraising. To promote these values, we follow the following standards:


  • We will be clear about who we are and what we do.
  • We will be clear about how you can make a gift.
  • We will make it easy for you to change or stop a regular donation.
  • If you want to stop giving, we will respect your decision.
  • We will respect your rights and privacy.
  • We have a procedure for dealing with people in vulnerable circumstances.
  • We will hold your data securely.
  • We will only communicate with you in the way you have asked us to.

If you feel we have not met these standards, or have feedback, please contact:
Head of Partnerships via fund@lgbtyouth.org.uk

We’re committed to making our complaints process clear and accessible. When we respond we will provide evidence based reasons for our decisions.


If you are unhappy with us in relation to fundraising, you can contact the Scottish Fundraising Standards Panel via www.goodfundraising.scot.