Get Involved in our National Participation Work

Content Warning: Mentions Mental Health & Domestic Abuse

Here at LGBT Youth Scotland, we want to make sure Scotland is a place where LGBTQ+ young people can flourish and thrive, but we know young people are often left out when it comes to decisions that affect them. We want your voice to be heard, and that’s why we are encouraging LGBTQ+ young people from across Scotland to get involved in one of our youth participation opportunities.

Mental Health Youth Commission

The Mental Health Youth Commission is a new project set up by LGBT Youth Scotland in 2024. Our recent Life in Scotland Health Report revealed that:


  • 88% of participants experience one or more mental health condition or related behaviour
  • 45% of participants don’t feel supported/ respected by mental health services in terms of their LGBTQ+ identity
  • 44% of participants don’t have enough information on mental health

We are looking to change this and to use young people’s voice to influence change in mental health awareness and mental health support for LGBTQ+ people. We will focus on what the main challenges are facing LGBTQ+ young people when it comes to experiencing mental health and accessing support. We will also look at what can be changed to progress towards LGBTQ+ young people being better informed about mental health, and having access to support services that meet their needs.


The Mental Health Youth Commission will be a space for Scottish LGBTQ+ young people ages 13-25 to share their views and experiences and help develop resources and training that will be shared with mental health services and other partners to influence change.

You may have experienced mental ill health personally, or through someone close to you, but this is not essential to participate in this role. To take part you just need care about improving knowledge and understanding around LGBTQ+ mental health, and be willing to work with us to create change.


If you have any questions about the Mental Health Youth Commission or how to join, please contact

Mental Health Youth Commission logo

Voices Unheard Project

Set up in 2010, Voices Unheard is our longest running youth participation project and brings together LGBTQ+ young people from across Scotland to support our work on healthy relationships and domestic abuse, and to act as a voice for LGBTQ+ young people across Scotland who are affected by these issues.


In 2022/23, the group delivered a peer consultation, where they identified that LGBTQ+ young people in Scotland experience high rates of domestic abuse but face many barriers to accessing support or reporting abuse. We want to change that, so we will be working together over the next year to create resources for young people, to raise awareness amongst professionals, and to influence decision makers and services to improve responses to young LGBTQ+ survivors.


Voices Unheard is open to LGBTQ+ young people aged 16-25 from across Scotland. You don’t need to have experience of domestic abuse or have been in an unhealthy relationship to participate; you just need to care about these issues and be willing to work with us to create change.

If you have any questions about Voices Unheard or how to join, please contact


Voices Unheard Logo

Youth Participation: What's involved?

Both participation projects will involve digital and face-to-face participation, so you will need to have access to the internet and a device that allows you to access Microsoft Teams, Discord, Zoom, or an equivalent platform. LGBT Youth Scotland will cover travel costs and expenses for face-to-face events.


The groups will meet at regular intervals through the year, usually on evenings and weekends, to work together to shape the direction of the projects and to learn and develop the skills needed to be effective youth activists. There will be other opportunities, events and activities out with group meeting times also, and some of the key opportunities you could be involved in include:


  • Awareness Raising work, such as delivering workshops or training
  • Consultations or research
  • Engaging with professionals and decision makers
  • Creating new resources and information for LGBT young people or professionals
  • Attending events

Sound interesting? Have a look at the video linked below from our Care-Experienced Youth Commission (2017-2020) to hear about the activities they engaged with whilst participating in the project:

If you are interested in getting involved, please complete an online application. You can only register for one project.

Mental Health Youth Commission

Voices Unheard Project

Recruitment will close on Sunday 18th of February, and we will be in touch soon after to let you know if your application has been accepted and to arrange an initial chat.


Please note: When applying you will need to supply contact details for a reference from a youth worker, teacher, employer or equivalent. We may contact these people in advance of you joining the project.


We recognise that young people might not be ‘out’ or may not be able to get a reference easily. If you are unable to provide a reference, please let us know in the form and we will contact you to discuss.

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LGBT Youth Scotland

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