IDAHOBIT 2024 PowerPoint Lesson


This is a presentation for International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia and Transphobia 2024. It outlines why this day matters, how homophobic, biphobic and transphobic bullying can affect young people and what your school can do to help prevent it. Download

LGBT History Month 2024

History Month Presentation 2024

This presentation for LGBT History Month 2024 summarises why this month is so vital. It helps us to celebrate the LGBTQ+ community and learn important lessons from our history. It includes an overview of this year’s theme  of “Medicine Under the Scope” as well as activity prompts and links to resources. Download

Addressing Inclusion


Guidance for your schools or organisations on tackling homophobia, biphobia and transphobia.   This guidance emphasises the impact discriminatory language and behaviour can have on young people and provides tips and support on addressing this kind of behaviour. Download

LGBT Cultural Calendar

Cultural Thumbnail

A PDF calendar featuring key dates in our year including LGBTQ+ awareness days. Download

Section 28 Lesson Plan and Assembly

Section 28 Lesson Plan and Assembly

A lesson plan that explores the impact of Section 28 on the LGBTQ+ community. This lesson recognises the steps towards LGBTQ+ the UK have made since abolishing Section 28 in England and Wales in 2003. The assembly is a short 10 minute presentation.   This lesson and assembly was made for LGBT History Month 2023, […]

Bisexual Visibility Day Lesson Plan, Presentation and Handout

Bisexual Visibility Day Lesson Plan, Presentation And Handout

A lesson plan created for Bisexual Visibility Day that can be taught at any time throughout the year.    This lesson explores what bisexuality is, people’s experience of bisexuality, tackling some stereotypes and finally looks at some bisexual icons and celebrities. Download Presentation Download Lesson Plan Download Stereotypes Handout