My Experience in the Trans Rights Youth Commission

an image that says trans rights are human rights

To me, the LGBT Youth Scotland Trans Right Youth Commission was my first step into non-local activism.    I have spent much of my life wanting to help people out, be this through small acts of kindness day to day, or through using my high school Tuesday lunchtimes to help plan events in the school’s […]

5 Ways to Deal with Sensory Issues at Pride

Sensory Issues At Pride

Frodo (16) gives us their top ways of dealing with sensory issues at Pride. Planning Do your research!    Every pride event is different so it is important to know where you’re going ahead of time. Is it a large or a small event? How many people are predicted to be there? Is there a […]

Orkney Pride Prom

Orkney Pride Prom

Pride Tribe is a group of LGBTQ+ young people in Kirkwall, Orkney On Wednesday 28 June 2023, around 30 awesome people got together for the now annual Pride Prom. Prom is not always an inclusive event or a space for LGBT+ young people to go to and express themselves or be themselves freely at and […]

Drag Make Up: A How to Guide

Drag Make Up

Skincare The first step to the makeup process is a good skincare routine. Before I apply any makeup to my skin, I cleanse my skin with a cleansing micellar water. You can also use a cleansing milk with cotton pads. After that you use a toner on your skin, then apply the moisturiser and let […]

An Anthology: A Work in Progress

an image with a loading bar on it

A collection of writings from young LGBTQ+ people, with a special focus on exploring and expressing gender identity.   Download

My Many Selves

My Many Selves

Young people from LGBT Youth Scotland use creative writing to explore questions of identity. Download

My journey of understanding my gender identity

am i trans?

Unlike a lot of other trans people that I have read about and known; I didn’t really have trans thoughts when I was young. Growing up, I had always believed I was a boy, because that was how I was born. Puberty didn’t trigger any dysphoria, in fact, I was excited about the changes to […]

Non-binary identities

Non Binary Identities

A Young Person’s Perspective on Non Binary Identities Throughout the majority of history most places in the world only recognised two genders, men and women; though there are also some places where the existence of third, fourth and fifth genders were commonplace.   In this post I will mostly be using nonbinary as an umbrella […]

My journey growing up trans and autistic

image of the autism infinity symbol with two gerbils sitting behind it

During my years at secondary school, I struggled with depression, anxiety, bullying and social isolation. These problems are unfortunately extremely common in children who are trans, autistic, or both. I had the privilege of only attending private schools where the smaller class sizes and high level of structure provided a more autism-friendly environment.    Even […]