My whole world feels better because I have come to LGBT Youth Scotland. I now have hope which I didn’t before.”

Our 2022-2023 impact report lays out the work we are doing to help make Scotland the best place for LGBTQ+ young people to flourish and thrive.


You can read our full report here.


Key highlights include:

Youth Work

86% of young people said their involvement with LGBT Youth Scotland has increased their confidence.

  • 2062 hours of group work
  • 851 asset based coaching sessions
  • 923 engagements across email, text and Live Chat

Youth Participation

84% of young people said being involved at LGBT Youth Scotland made them more aware of their rights.

  • 146 hours of youth participation work with young people including:
    • LGBTQ+ Youth Commission work on trans rights
    • our Youth Reference Group
    • Voices Unheard around LGBTQ+ healthy relationships and domestic abuse
  • 146 hours of youth participation work with young people including:
    • LGBTQ+ Youth Commission work on trans rights
    • our Youth Reference Group
    • Voices Unheard around LGBTQ+ healthy relationships and domestic abuse

LGBT Charter

97% of young people agreed that our charter had created a more inclusive environment for LGBT pupils and staff.

LGBT Awareness

  • Delivered LGBT Awareness Training to over 1800 individuals.
  • 83,250 new site visitors across the year.
  • Ten times more people accessing our youth work groups and support section compared to previous year (54,587).
  • Published our national research into what ‘Life in Scotland’ is like for LGBTQ+ young people  across all areas of their life and shared this with our partners.
  • Over 50,000 followers across social platforms.
our impact 2022 2023

Download our full 2022-2023 impact report to learn more.