Hels Bowie

Head of Partnerships


Why do you want to make Scotland the best place for LGBTQ+ young people to flourish and thrive?

I passionately believe that all young people deserve the opportunity to live their best lives, where they are more than just free to be themselves but fully supported in doing so. The struggles faced by LGBTQ+ communities are ever-evolving, but for young people in particular the opportunities and barriers they face can make such a huge difference to their day-to-day lives not just in the moment, but in their futures and the futures of LGBTQ+ communities in Scotland. While there is always work to be done and barriers to overcome, I believe that there Scotland is a country which offers the sense of hope and empathy to truly be the best place for LGBTQ+ young people to flourish and thrive.


What is your experience?

Prior to joining LGBT Youth Scotland, I worked in a partnerships and development role at another LGBTQ+ charity. I have a background in a mix of income generation and communications roles across the third sector, as well as experience in journalism and comment writing for a range of online and digital publications on issues around social inequality, queer media representation, and feminism.


What do you do for fun?

I love live music, and particularly taking a chance on seeing unknown bands at tiny venues. I watch a lot of films – I love cinematic masterpieces and absolute trash equally, so depending on the day I might tell you my favourite film is Portrait of a Lady on Fire, or I might tell you it’s the Wicker Man remake with Nick Cage. I also make a lot of zines, usually about music or films.


What mattered most to you when you were a young person?

As a young person I really wanted to change the world – I still do, but perhaps in a slightly more focussed way than I used to. Spending time with friends and finding people who gave me a sense of community was also really important to me – and again, it still is.