why support us?

“Without LGBT Youth Scotland I am not sure I’d still be around. The support, signposting and the life skills that they have taught me have saved me countless times. Life is about leaving the world a little bit better than you found it – LGBT Youth Scotland did that for me and now I get to do that for the next generation of young people.”

– Arden, former young person and volunteer

When you support us, you help make Scotland a place where young people like Arden can flourish and thrive.

Why do LGBTQ+ young people need your support?

Young people are the future – if we get it right for them, we get it right for all of us.


Life can be tough for any young person, but LGBTQ+ young people often face additional barriers in education, employment and family relationships. They also experience depression, anxiety, self-harm and suicidal thoughts at a higher level than the general population.

person standing

Your support makes a difference

Your support is more than just a donation, here’s a glimpse of what you’ll help us achieve. You’ll be:

Investing in our innovative youth work which empowers young people to feel a sense of belonging, and achieve their own goals.

Supporting our equality accreditation programme, the LGBT Charter – we ensure the places young people live, learn and work are as inclusive as possible.

Enabling our youth participation and policy work – we position young people as experts in their own lives and amplify their voices to decision makers to inform positive change.

Together let's make Scotland a place where LGBTQ+ young people can flourish and thrive

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our impact 2022 2023

Our impact

person standing in front of a flag

Our strategy