Gender identity clinics

If you’re questioning your identity, you might go to a gender identity clinic. 

We have created this content with help from some doctors and nurses at some of Scotland’s gender identity clinics. It will help you understand what gender identity clinics are, and learn how to access their services.

Everyone’s transition journey is different, and there is no right or wrong path. Some trans people may only socially transition, and for others a medical pathway is really important. 


Take your time and allow yourself to explore your gender identity and all the options that might be open to you. 

Some gender identity clinics let you refer yourself, and others need a referral from your GP. Look up your closest gender identity clinic, to find out about how to access their support.  

Your initial appointment may not happen for several years which can be really tough. 


To find out more about support available while you are waiting, get in touch.


Peer support can really help too –  join one of our groups to meet other young people who are trans, non-binary or questioning their gender identity!

The First Appointment

Before your first appointment you may have a video call with a specialist nurse to get basic details, and decide on the next steps.


Depending on the support you need you will either see a specialist nurse, doctor, GP, psychiatrist or a psychologist for the first in-person appointment.


At this appointment you will be asked about your gender identity and general health. You will also be given information about their services.


These questions can feel quite personal, but this is  so they can support you best.

You can prepare for your appointment by: 


  • Looking at the clinic’s website. They will have helpful resources to help you plan your first visit.
  • Visiting the clinic before your appointment to plan your journey. Some clinics might be able to arrange a tour in advance of your appointment. If your first appointment is online, check in advance if you need to download any specific software.
  • Writing down any questions you have.
  • Asking someone you trust to come with you to your appointment.
  • Speaking to a trusted family member, friend, counsellor or youth worker.


It may be useful to bring:


  • A list of any medications you are taking and copies of blood test results if you have them.
  • A copy of any official change of name documents . 
  • Documents to confirm how long you have been living in your identified gender, such as documents that reflect your name and gender.
  • Details of any other services that are supporting you.
  • If you have been accessing private healthcare, any reports you have from this provider.

Medical appointments can sometimes be stressful, so it might be helpful to plan some self-care for after your appointment. You could meet up with a friend for a chat, or make sure you have your favourite treats in stock.


If you find that you are struggling with your mental health, you can contact your GP, or get in touch with us

You can find more information about additional support on the NHS Scotland website.

Other Resources

The NHS have published some FAQs on accessing gender identity clinics 


Your nearest gender identity clinic will also have their own FAQs, as well as information on their wait times

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