Getting a Gender Recognition Certificate

Learn more about Gender Recognition Certificates (GRCs)

A Gender Recognition Certificate is a document that allows trans people to get legal recognition of their gender.


In the UK, you can only change your gender to male or female  – there is no legal way to be recognised as non-binary. We are working with lots of other LGBTQ groups to try to change this. 

Applying for a Gender Recognition Certificate is a personal decision, and it might help to take some time to think about what it might mean to you. 


Having a Gender Recognition Certificate changes some very specific things.


  • It allows you apply for an updated birth or adoption certificate.
  • It allows you to get married or form a civil partnership in your gender.
  • It means you will have the correct gender on your death certificate when you die.
  • It may affect your entitlement to pensions and benefits.


You don’t need a  Gender Recognition Certificate  to start your transition. You can change your name   and gender on lots of documents like your passport, driving licence, medical and employment records without one. 


To apply you must:


  • Be aged 18 and over
  • Intend to live as your gender identity for the rest of your life
  • Have a diagnosis of gender dysphoria (unless you meet other, very specific criteria)
  • Have lived in your gender identity for over 2 years


You will need to provide information including:


  • Medical reports – You must  provide two medical reports. One should be completed by a gender specialist, the other can be written by your GP. You can check out what information must be provided on the government website.
  • Evidence that you have lived in your acquired gender for 2 years. For example, formal documents with your new name and your gender on them such as your passport, driving licence, rental agreements etc. You will need to provide evidence from a variety of different sources.


You can apply online and will need to pay a fee of £5. There is information on the government website that lists the documents you will need.


Once you apply someone will look through the paperwork to see if there is anything missing. 


They may contact you to ask for more information. It will then be passed to the Gender Recognition Panel to make their decision, who should look at your application within 22 weeks.   

Your gender identity is valid with or without paperwork

If you need support while waiting for your Gender Recognition Certificate to be considered, you can chat to one of our trained and friendly youth workers on Live Chat.

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