Launch: The Life in Scotland Rural Report

Today we are excited to launch the Life in Scotland Rural Report from our recent Life in Scotland for LGBT Young People research.


When we launched the Life in Scotland for LGBT Young People research in February 2022, it was clear that there was disparity of experience between respondents who lived in rural and urban or suburban Scotland. For example, when asked if their local area is a good place for LGBTI young people to live, 62% of urban respondents said yes, but this figure halved for respondents from rural areas (28%).

It was clear that we had to explore further what the differences are between these populations by further analysing the rich qualitative data that we gathered from more than 1200 LGBTQ+ young people living in Scotland. The responses have been analysed to identify key recommendations in policy and practice for decision makers across Scotland.

Analysis of the data gathered led to seven prevailing themes being identified:


  • Homophobia, biphobia and transphobia

  • Risks and consequences

  • Acceptance and support

  • Knowledge and understanding of LGBTQ+ identities and issues

  • Reputation

  • Isolation

  • LGBTQ+ networks and communities

The report also provides a range of recommendations which address the thematic issues raised. Given the breadth of experience LGBTQ+ young people who live in rural Scotland experience, these cut across a number of different areas and call for action from Scottish Government, local authorities, faith bodies, public services and Police Scotland amongst others.

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