Launching today: Life in Scotland Trans Report

Today we are launching our Trans Report – the final ‘deep dive’ from our Life in Scotland for LGBT Young People research. When we launched the full report in February 2022, it was clear that the experiences of trans respondents were significantly different from their cis counterparts.   Diving deeper into the data, we have […]

Have Your Say: Ending Conversion Practices

Ending Conversion Practices

Content warning: this article talks about physical and sexual abuse as well as themes of homo, bi and transphobia. For sources of support, please see the end of the article. Conversion practices can be really dangerous for people of all ages as they are harmful and abusive – with long lasting consequences.   They can […]

Our response to the ruling on the reform of the Gender Recognition Act

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Today Lady Haldane has ruled that the UK Government can block the Gender Recognition Reform Bill. We share your disappointment and anger at this ruling – it’s been a long battle, but it’s not over yet. You can read what we’ve said publicly below.   At the moment we suggest the best thing to do […]

Launch: The Life in Scotland Rural Report

cartoon image of two young people surrounded by pride flags

Today we are excited to launch the Life in Scotland Rural Report from our recent Life in Scotland for LGBT Young People research.   When we launched the Life in Scotland for LGBT Young People research in February 2022, it was clear that there was disparity of experience between respondents who lived in rural and urban or […]

Launch: Voices Unheard – Peer Consultation 2022

A speech bubble saying "voices unheard"

We are pleased to announce the launch of the findings report from the latest Voices Unheard peer consultation focused on LGBTQ+ young people in Scotland’s experiences of domestic abuse, both within their own relationships, and within families. The consultation was co-developed, delivered, and analysed in collaboration with LGBTQ+ young people from Voices Unheard; a youth […]