If you could pick an object that represents your identity in some way, what would you pick? Read some of the stories of objects that are significant to young people and why.

Show and Tell, Beyond Gender, Edinburgh  2024

This is artwork created as part of a show and tell activity with the Beyond Gender group in Edinburgh using Instax cameras to record objects of significance to the young people. You can listen to the group recording from this night in the ‘Community’ section of the exhibition or on soundcloud here.

Assorted Objects 

Loki – Beyond Gender 5th Dec 2023

Drawings and polaroids which represent Loki’s identity and memories

Assorted Objects 

James – Beyond Gender 5th Dec 2023

Drawings of assorted objects that represent James’ identity and memories.

Scarf with Gold Elephants

Blocks – Beyond Gender, 5th Dec 2023

A polaroid of a black scarf with gold elephants along with a description of what it means to Blocks.


Show and Tell, Trans Youth Glasgow (TYG), 15th January 2024

TYG is a youth group for trans and non-binary youth, aged between 16-25, based in Glasgow, and hosted by LGBT Youth Scotland.  The group, as of January 2024, is regularly attended by 10-20 youth members, who are supported by regular volunteers and youth workers.


On the 15th of January 2024, TYG hosted a “Show and Tell” evening, wherein group members could bring in an object that was meaningful to them and share the item’s story.  Group members also had the opportunity to take a photo of or with their item with a polaroid camera to submit these to the ‘(Un)Seen, (Un)Heard’ archive, alongside the following descriptions, to capture these stories with future audiences. 


Serena, TYG, Glasgow, 2024

A Plushie that I’ve had for a while that seems to be inspired by the Pokémon Eevee, and all its evolutions, however it’s been designed as an odd mash up of all of them into one.


“I found it in a store, being the only one there of it’s kind, and even the staff didn’t know where it came from, so I always enjoyed knowing I have this odd Frankenstein Eevee-lution.”


Jessica, TYG, Glasgow, 2024

A hardback edition of the book ‘Carmilla’ by J. Sheridan Le Fanu.


“I absolutely love vampires (especially the gay/lesbian ones) , and reading this book and others got me through some rough times.”

Japanese Magazines 

Quentin, TYG, Glasgow, 2024

Japanese fashion magazines which have art and content related to the manga JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure, including a short piece of work the author did for Gucci’s ‘Cruise 2013’ collection. 



“I love high fashion, and the high fashion-inspired art and design in JoJo particularly speaks to me since it’s bold, unusual and androgynous. I also brought some Japanese tour programmes from musicians that remind me of JoJo imagery-wise, including one from Dead or Alive’s 1989 tour, lead singer Pete Burns having been a personal queer icon since I was quite young. The chance to own collections of beautiful images like these and just look through them means a lot to me.”


Guardian Angel

Ryan, TYG, Glasgow, 2024

A small guardian angel made from beads with little wings and a crown.


“This guardian angel was given to me on the anniversary of my Gran passing away. I had travelled with my family to the cemetery where she was buried and we decided to then visit the street where my mum had grown up, and where my gran sadly passed. We were amazed when we arrived in Milton to see that all the rows of flats on their street had been demolished, apart from the one they had lived in and I had spent so many weekends visiting. We stood on the street looking, and a stranger, seemingly out of nowhere, came along and started chatting. We explained the story and they gave us all one of these small angels that I now keep very safe.”



Maria, TYG, Glasgow, 2024

A miniature doll my best friend gave me when we studied acting together.


“I had this doll and Mafalda had her best friend. She gave me this when we were around 16 and I have carried it with me ever since. It did not matter how far I would travel; it always came with and helps me feel connected to her when I feel lonely.”

Engagement Ring

Ashlie, TYG, Glasgow, 2024

 A white-gold ring with sapphire and diamonds. 


“This item is special to me because it’s my engagement ring. Having always thought that married life wasn’t for me, to ‘coming out’ in 2017 and then becoming engaged in 2022, it’s just a little reminder that change can be good and that who you were before isn’t always who you are!”




Ona, TYG, Glasgow, 2024

A 6g A 6g septum horseshoe bar.


“It’s a part of a whole collection of jewellery and holes I have on my body and I think represents me as a person!”




Ellie, TYG, Glasgow, 2024

A crystal I collected from a glacier while working at a Scout centre in Switzerland.


“This crystal reminded me of a previous youth work adventure I’d been on and as I’m just starting as a youth worker at LGBTYS, I wanted to share something that reconnected me to that experience. It was a challenging, but incredibly rewarding role, that shaped me as a person massively. I expect supporting the Trans youth of Glasgow will too. Plus, an appreciation of pretty rocks is universal across all genders, right?”

Share your story

This exhibition is an organic thing – an accessible archive space where you can tell or show us what life is like for you. You are so welcome here and we’d love you to feel a part of what we are doing. 



Add your own object to our collections: please use our submission portal here.


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